
Painting Contractors: Ready to stop working so much?

We'll help you add $75,000 in profit per year... while working less guaranteed

Invest 3-5 hours a week into this program, and you'll build your company faster than you ever thought possible.

Grow while working less

Discover how to replace yourself with great team members who actually do a better job than you do. We’ll show you our proven strategies for hiring a great team to take over your day to day responsibilities.
Discover how to sell high-priced, high-margin jobs so you can afford to invest in your team and grow your business. This is how you stop working so much, and create freedom for yourself.
We’ll show you how to grow your business faster - while working less - and put you on the fastest and most direct path available.

Ready to grow your business while working less?

This is an exclusive program, and spots are limited.
Next cohort begins: 
October 9th

Does this sound like you?

You started a painting business to achieve freedom, but ended up working even more hours than ever before?
You do great work, you work hard, you are ambitious. But, somehow you’re still trapped working all the time as an employee, rather than a business owner.
You want to start working less, be able to take time off without things going wrong.
You want to build your business to a point where it supports you, so you can control your schedule and live life on your own terms.
You see the huge opportunity in the painting business, sitting right in front of you.
You’re willing to do what it takes to achieve success.

Do these problems sound familiar?

You can’t generate enough good leads, and you’re sick of paying for overpriced, under-qualified leads from Angi and HomeAdvisor.
You’re struggling to sell enough high-priced, high-margin jobs, because you’re constantly getting undercut by low bidders, and the leads you get want cheaper prices.
You can’t find good, reliable painters to work for you, so you often waste hours babysitting the painters you do get. Or, even worse, you end up picking up a brush and doing the work yourself.
You feel like you’re working hard, but going nowhere. It seems like all your hard work and energy is in vain because you can’t get traction. As a result, you’re not getting the growth you deserve.
You feel like you can achieve great success. But, for some reason it keeps slipping out of your reach, and you just can’t figure it out.

The truth is that you can build a Large, Profitable Business without working 60 hours a week.

Remember, you started a business to work LESS.
But then somewhere along the line you started making compromises with yourself.
“Hard work is required if you want to make good money. I'll just work hard now so that I can really enjoy life later.”
"I can live with a moderate salary for now - at least I own my own business"
Or you've accepted the idea that sacrifices will have to be made in the early stages - it will get better later on.

Your life won’t get better unless you start doing something different.

Every hour you spend doing lower level work is one less hour you can spend doing high-level “CEO” work on your business.
There’s a good chance you’ll burn out on your business. And, if you don’t burn out, you’ll look back years from now and regret all the time you spent working.
It’s time to stop compromising. It’s time to start building the business you deserve.
We’ll help you fix all these problems for good by helping you sell high-margin jobs, free up your time, and build a great team to support you.

You’re closer than you realize to building the life that you dream about.

Jeff Sold $87,000
in 4 Days

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James Sold $50,000
in 1 Week

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Andrew Hit $160k
in His First 3 Months

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You Will Stop Working So Much, Free Up Your Time, And Gain Control Over Schedule

Working 60 hours a week is actually holding you back from the success you deserve. You can build a profitable and successful business without working all the time, and enjoy a healthy work/life balance.
We’ll help you hire on great team members so you can start delegating your day to day tasks. Then, we’ll help you build an entire team to replace everything you do, so you can completely remove yourself from the day-to-day grind, and enjoy the freedom to do what you want to do.


You Will Make More Money Than Ever Before

You can sell high-priced, high-margin jobs.
You can have an abundance of quality leads in your business.
You can sell high profit jobs consistently - even if you’re delegating the sales to a salesperson or sales team. The key is using our tested and proven sales system that works.
The truth is that your dream life is closer than you think, and you’ll discover how to unlock profits in your business that you didn’t even know were possible…
And you’ll do it all while building a solid foundation for future growth.


You Will Become a Powerful Business Leader

You’ll discover how to produce amazing results and make it look so easy that your friends will wonder how you do it.
You will develop the skills to be an effortless business builder, operator, and leader.
You will have control over your business and life, and discover how to maintain that control for the rest of your life, so you make an impact wherever you go.


You Will Build A Company You're Proud Of, And That Your Customers & Employees LOVE

We’ll show you how to easily stand out from everyone else in the marketplace so you serve your people, your customers, your family, and yourself better than anyone else.
This is the secret to long-term, effortless success.
This is how you build a powerful, lasting company that you’re proud of, and truly differentiate yourself in the marketplace.

Weʼll show you how to do all of this, and much more.

Chris Sold $130,000
in His First 60 Days

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Brian Sold $60k
in His First 5 Weeks

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Justin Sold $260k
in his First 5 Months in Business

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You’re only a few small tweaks away from big, life-changing results.
We’ll show you small steps you can make today that will bring you big results fast.
These proven systems, processes, and frameworks will help you take your business to the next level.



The most successful businesses don’t compete on price. You shouldn't either, and we’re going to show you exactly how to stop doing that.
We’ll help you get paid what you’re worth without feeling like a “salesperson”.
You’ll make more money per job, win more bids, be able to hire better people, and deliver a great product to your customers.



We’ll give you our 4 absolute best Marketing Strategies that drive over $10,000,000 in business for our companies… and show you exactly how to start using them to grow your sales fast.
You’ll discover the biggest marketing mistake most contractors make that costs tens (or even hundreds) of thousands of dollars in lost profit.
Plus, we’ll show you how to make almost any marketing strategy work for you.
With these systems and strategies, you’ll be able to easily generate all the customers you need to achieve your goals.



You’ll get done-for-you, easy-to-implement estimating systems (including integrations with popular softwares) to get the right price every time.
Systems scale, know-how doesn’t.
You’ll have confidence in you and your team to get accurate, profitable prices every time.



You're a business owner, not a babysitter!
We’ll show you how to find great crews you can trust who will do great work that your customers will love.
You’ll discover how to easily scale your labor force as big as you need it to be, so you never have to worry about ‘finding help’ ever again.



It’s time for you to stop doing low-level work, and time to start acting like a CEO instead.
We’ll show you the fastest and easiest ways you can delegate work today, and save 10-20 hours (or more) of your time every week fast.


Build a Team of A Players

“Talent wins games, teamwork wins championships.”
Building a life-changing business means building a team around you, and removing yourself from all day-to-day operations.
You’ll discover how to recruit amazing people you love to work with, have more fun in business with a team, and become a powerful business leader.
Start today by hiring one key hire to free up some of your time.
Over time you can hire an entire team to run and manage your business for you, so you can take a quarter, month, or week off work whenever you want to.



With no business background, you’ll be able to create a rock solid business plan in no time.
We’ll give you simple systems and processes so you can start running your business like an MBA. You’ll know your numbers inside and out, and have a clear path to building the business of your dreams.
You’ll gain clarity, certainty, and confidence immediately once you know and see the path forward.



As you grow, we’ll show you business opportunities that you didn’t even know existed, or that you may be overlooking.
We’ll help you solve any problems you run into fast, because we have the skills and experience to do so.
We’ve coached thousands of painting contractors for the last 17 years, and built dozens of painting companies ourselves into the 8 figures.
From a brand new start up to a multi million dollar operation, you’ll be able to get answers to your questions every step of the way.
We’ve heard it all, we’ve done it all, and we’ve got you covered.

Steven Sold $30k on a
$50 Facebook Ad

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Jack Closed a $54,000 Residential Paint Job

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Jalal Immediately doubled His Sales

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How it works


We’ll work with you to create a personalized business plan, and a step-by-step plan for accomplishing your biggest business goals. You’ll be able to see the entire path before you from A-Z, and you’ll know exactly what steps to take, and in what order.
We’ll hand you proven frameworks and easy-to-implement systems one step at a time.
When you have questions or need help, we’re here to support you.


This is an exclusive, hands on program so we limit how many people we work with at once (we only have so many hours in the day).
We launch a new cohort each month but they fill up quickly.
On your first call, we’ll let you know the next available spots and when you may be able to start.
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About Eric

I’ve been coaching painting contractors for 17 Years
I’ve worked with hundreds of people 1on1, thousands in my programs, and tens of thousands through my free content
I currently operate 7 painting companies with over $17,000,000 in annual revenue
My companies range from startups that are 6 months old to $7M+ per year at our flagship location
I teach people how to build a wildly successful business while keeping a thriving personal life - no sacrifice required!
I practice what I preach and don’t work more than 30 hours per week across all of my companies, and I’ll teach you how to do the same
This is why our program has limited spots - because my time, and my team’s time is limited

Endorsed by industry experts

Hear from our members about their experience
with the flagship program at Painting Business Pro

Why do I do this?

I started Painting Business Pro in 2013 to help people start a painting business. I simply wanted to learn how to do business online. I had no expectations.

Over the years it has grown significantly - beyond what I ever could have expected.

And in 2021 I almost shut it down to focus exclusively on National Painting Group where we are building a portfolio of multi-million dollar painting companies.

But then I started looking through some of the stories from our members. The impact Painting Business Pro has made on people is undeniable, life changing, and I couldn’t bring myself to stop doing this work.

Instead, we decided to double down on the work we’re doing at Painting Business Pro and take it to the next level... I really love what I do, I’ve spent 17 years coaching people, I’m damn good at it, it makes an enormous impact on people, and that’s why I do what I do.

We’re doing this to make an enormous impact on the lives of people in this industry from business owners to team members to customers to painters and subcontractors.
Hear from our members about their experience
with the flagship program at Painting Business Pro

Results from our members

“Did $2.5M at 50% Gross Profit”

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“Sold $113k in One Week”

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"Did $1M in 1st Year in Business"

Big Win First Year - testimonial

“His Estimator Sold $100k in 1 Week”

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“$250k in 1st 5 Months”

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“Sold $50k worth of jobs”

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We Guarantee Youʼll Add $75,000 in Profit Per Year to Your Business, and Youʼll Do It While Working Less

... But the real intention of this program is that you’ll build a million or multi-million dollar painting company with a team who runs the day to day, and that takes more than 1 year.

We make building your dream company and creating freedom simple and easy, one step at a time.

This program isn’t for everyone and if it’s not a good fit for you, we’ll let you know.
But for the right business owner, this is the last program you’ll ever need to achieve all of the goals you have in your painting business.
Spots are limited in our monthly cohorts and we’re booking out.

Donʼt wait. Apply today.

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